This is another cafe-inspired sandwich that I’ve mastered at home. There was a great lunch spot near our last house with the friendliest couple that cooked and ran the business together. I became a regular for a bit when I was pregnant with Damen and couldn’t stomach much of anything, especially anything I made for myself. (It’s a miserable 9 months when I’m pregnant and explains my repeated absences over the last 9 years.) Anyway, I craved this cute cafe’s sandwiches, particularly this one with turkey and havarti. So I’d call my order in and when I’d come in to pick up my lunch they’d ask how I was feeling and comment on how my belly was growing. A few times I took my kids to dine in and they’d bring them cups of blueberries and not mind when my children made extra messes. The kind of place I want to run if I have a restaurant someday…
This sandwich made me fall in love with stoneground mustard AND Havarti. I wasn’t very familiar with either until I had this combination and realized how delicious they both are, and even better together! Stoneground mustard gets mixed with mayonnaise and some fresh lemon to make a simple aioli. (I realize aioli usually has garlic in it, but theirs didn’t- I can’t eat garlic when I’m pregnant so I definitely asked!- so I don’t include it either.) The mustard flavor in this aioli isn’t overwhelming… it’s subtle enough that my kids will eat it. Havarti is creamy and melts just right for a panini and is one of my favorite cheeses now! Sliced tomato and arugula are optional but I love it with both. Use a crusty loaf of sourdough for the best flavor, a little butter or oil for an extra crisp outside and you’ll have a perfect panini.
Turkey Havarti Panini with Stoneground Mustard Aioli
crusty white or wheat bread (preferably sourdough)
oven roasted turkey, thinly sliced
Havarti cheese, grated or sliced
tomato, sliced (optional)
arugula (optional)
Stoneground Mustard Aioli:
1/4 cup mayo
1 Tbsp. stoneground mustard
1/2 tsp. lemon juice
1-2 tsp. chopped chives (optional, but recommended)
pinch freshly ground black pepper
- Preheat a panini press or pan on the stove to medium heat.
- To make the aioli, stir to combine the mayo, mustard, lemon juice, chives, and a pinch of pepper in a small bowl.
- To assemble the sandwiches, spread aioli on one side of a slice of bread. Layer with Havarti, turkey, tomato, and arugula. Top with the second slice of bread (you can add more aioli if you want).
- Brush the preheated panini press or pan with some butter or olive oil. Grill the sandwich, flipping halfway through if necessary, until the cheese has melted and the outside is crisp and golden.
Makes enough aioli for about 4 sandwiches.
My favorite restaurant in Illinois makes a turkey, havarti, granny smith apple, avocado club sandwich. Delicious!
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