Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

November 12, 2013

pumpkin pancakes

I bring you another Sunday morning breakfast pancake- this time with pumpkin! It is November, so if you’re not stuffing yourself with pumpkin cookies and muffins and pie then something is wrong. Perhaps, like Dustin (my husband), you don’t like pumpkin. Which is sad. But you should probably make these anyway. At least make someone else seriously happy and you never know- you might find yourself taking a bite of these perfectly sweet and fluffy pancakes and change your mind. Dustin devoured a plateful so I’m questioning his pancake hatred. Either he’s been lying to me or they’re just that good.

Pumpkin Spice Pancakes


3/4 cup white whole wheat flour
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 Tbsp. brown sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp. ground ginger
1/8 tsp. ground cloves
1 cup milk
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1 large egg
2 Tbsp. canola oil or melted butter (or unsweetened applesauce)
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract


1. In a medium bowl, whisk to combine the flours, brown sugar, baking powder, salt, and spices. In a separate large bowl, whisk to combine the milk, pumpkin puree, egg, oil/butter/applesauce and vanilla. Add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix until just incorporated (a few lumps will remain).

2. Preheat a large nonstick skillet or griddle to medium heat (I heat my griddle to 350 F). Grease the preheated pan with butter or cooking spray. Pour batter by 1/3-cup-fulls on to the pan and bake until the bottoms are golden brown and bubbles form on the top. Flip and cook several minutes on the second side until golden and cooked through. (NOTE: Cooked pancakes can be kept warm on a sheet pan in a 200 F oven until ready to serve.) Serve with butter, maple syrup, whipped cream, etc.

Makes 8 pancakes.

(Adapted from Martha Stewart via Annie’s Eats)

5 thoughts on “Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

  1. Pingback: Sweet Potato Pancakes - A Hint of Honey

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  3. Kristin

    When are Dustin’s tastes going to evolve to like things like pumpkin and coconut?!! lol These look great! Your last post inspired me to make more healthy snacks for Madeleine and Brody. She even ate the healthy muffins I made the other day!! Maybe I won’t be lazy and make breakfast soon 🙂

    1. Jessie Davis Post author

      He eats quite a few pumpkin and coconut-containing things (and clearly somewhat enjoys them) yet still refuses to admit he likes pumpkin or coconut. Oh well, more for us 🙂 Yay for healthy muffins! Makes me wish I had one right now!


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